Monday, January 5, 2009

Inside Daddy's Car

Ever since Tobi was a baby he has had what seems to be an inbuilt fascination with anything that goes "Brrrrrrrrrrooooooom".

It isn't limited. He loves cars, tchucks (trucks), bikes, bups (busses) and planes! Not a car trip goes by that we don't hear a little "Ooooooooooh" from the backseat. Followed by "Airplam" or "Tchucks Daddy, tchucks!"
He must have a super-ultra-dooper sense of sight (Tim claims he must be one of the Heroes *rollseyes*) because it only has to be a miniscule spot in the sky that sets him off! Quite often we are all hunting for a good two or three minutes before we can see it too.

It started with planes or Airplams as Tobes calls them. As a baby he would point to them in the sky and squeal in delight. Then when he started walking if Gigi & Gandad were visiting he only had to hear one (again he must have super-sonic hearing, because we don't hear them) and off he bolts, dragging Gandad by the hand out into the backyard to show him! He is quite fond of the odd toptar (helicopter) too!

We were out and about one weekend and the Red Bull air race training was on! The planes were doing loops, spins and we had a front row seat! Tobi would love it! Or so we assumed. We lay out a rug and sat to watch when the first plane LOUDLY whizzed past. He freaked right out! Screamed, jumped into my arms and buried his head in my chest where he firmly remained put the entire time. Eyes clamped shut. He shook like a leaf. No amount of coaxing would get him to look at those airplams! So we left..

And that has just about been the demise of the airplam obsession! Naughty Mummy and Daddy!

Then it was tchucks but now.. it's cars! But mostly "DADDY'S CAR!!!" Tim only has to say "Keys" and Tobi is blowing me kisses goodbye and shouting "Etttts Go!!!" He races outside and puts the key in the lock and waits eagerly for Daddy to put him in his seat. He LOVES being in the car. Every white car we see is "DADDY'S CAR!!" His white dinky cars guessed it.."DADDY'S CAR"
Every afternoon that Tim pulls up he runs to the door squealing "Daaaaaaaadddddddddy!!!!" I'm not sure if it's Daddy he's glad to see.. or Daddy's car ;)

So there is the story behind our new blog’s title :) We hope to write in it often and share some photos of the family that I capture on my new baby (Canon 400D) that I scored for Christmas!

So here's to an uneventful (of the cursed kind - but more on that later) but super special 2009 :)

We hope you enjoy!

<3 Cat, Tim, Taylah and Tobes!

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